Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
December 19, 2019 Board Actions: The Board passed its final 2020 budget without discussion while emphasizing that it represents a $70 million or 5.7% decrease from 2019. The estimated tax levy is $652.6 million [up 1.4% from 2019], and full time equivalent employees are down 14 from 2019 at 1,953. This represents no significant change from the budget that was tentatively approved on December 12. Of interest is where the Corporate Fund money goes [in millions]: Construction & Design $254.4 / 23.4% Bond Redemption & Interest 233.0 / 21.4% Plant Operations & Maintenance 202.6 / 18.6% Staff Services 127.8 / 11.8% Stormwater Management 116.3 / 10.7% Retirement Fund 87.3 / 8.0% Claims & Judgments 34.4 / 3.2% Monitoring & Research 31.5 / 2.9% The Board passed a one-year continuation of its intergovernmental agreement with the Cook County Sheriff’s office to continue and expand its very successful drug disposal program of expired and unwanted over the counter and prescription drugs. The purposes of which is to maximize the volume of drugs prevented from reaching and polluting Illinois waterways. Budgeted at $100,000. Commissioners want to expand to city halls and anywhere that dispenses drugs as collection sites. The Sheriff’s office wants to offer a mail back option for the elderly and disabled. An on-site Mobile and Testing Service Contract was approved, but Commissioner Spyropoulos asked that information regarding the times use, the length of time the District has engaged in this contract, and what other options might be available for drug testing be provided to all commissioners for future consideration. Published and filed was a report on public notification of significant industrial users having exemplary compliance and records and industrial users significantly violating pretreatment standards or other requirements. Commissioner Garcia asked if penalties could be increased. The Executive Director said staff would check it out. Observer: Diane Edmundson Meeting Length 90 min.
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Commissioners
Special Meeting of MWRD Committee on Budget and Employment November 7, 2019 The Committee met to consider the Executive Director’s 2020 Budget Recommendations contained in the October 15 book, along with the proposed changes submitted by the Executive Director on October 30, 2019. The initial recommendations and the changes may all be accessed at and clicking on the “meeting details” for the entry for this Nov. 7 meeting. The Recommendations as amended were accepted. Next Steps in Budget Process:
The Commissioners heard from representatives from each MWRD department who presented the overview of that department’s proposed and 2019 budget and employee count, the 2019 operational highlights, and the primary initiatives for 2020. Their slide presentations may also be found at Only a few of the Commissioners asked questions. Here are some of the highlights:
Metropolitan Water Reclamation Board Meeting - June 16, 2016
Significant Decisions Made: Approval of funds for a 20 foot wide Inflow/Tunnel to the McCook Reservoir (Agenda Item 18-16-0629)
The Board passed a motion to adopt a policy restricting the use of toxic and persistent herbicides on landscaped areas and around facilities and infrastructure of the MWRD. Other Items of Note:
Eleanor Prince - observer Metropolitan Water Reclamation Board Meeting - June 2, 2016
Topics Discussed:
Study Session on Pension Funding
Study Session on Rain Barrel Program Executive Director St. Pierre presented an overview of the MWRD free rain barrel program.
Items to watch for in the future::
Observer: Priscilla Mims Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board Meeting - May 19, 2016
While the Board meeting was fairly routine the post study session to hear feedback from the author of the District’s Affirmative Action “disparity study” was not! The report itself was complimentary of the District’s goals and achievements but said it is time to use electronic tools for monitoring. Testimony from several speakers highlighted the complexity for the District:
Action of Note: The Board expanded its prescription drug disposal hours at all of its locations to 7 days a week from 8 am to 6 pm and at its Downtown offices to 5 days a week with the same hours. Diane Edmundson - Observer |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each report. Archives
August 2024