Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
September 15, 2022 President Steele began the meeting by reading a statement requesting that the Executive Director pause the free EQ Biosolid distribution program. She stated that she believed the MWRD is following the EPA rules regarding PFAS but wants this pause to ensure that the District remains compliant, environmentally friendly, and mindful of public concern. (See second item under new business.) Two agenda items were pulled for discussion:
Stormwater Management:
New Business
Observer: Kathi Graffam Length of meeting: 1 hour 15 minutes No Executive Session was Held
Knotty Problem of Furnish & Deliver Coverage under the MWRD's Affirmative Action Ordinance Continues9/6/2022 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
September 1, 2022 (Agenda Item #10 - #22-0766) A request to increase the cost estimate for rehabilitation of the Upper Des Plaines Intercepting Sewer to between $28,500 and $34,500 million was pulled by Commissioner Garcia to discuss the possibility of separating out the parts of the contract that cover Furnish and Deliver items that could have Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) goals attached. Dr. Berry of the AAP Department noted the following:
Three additional agenda items were pulled for discussion.
Stormwater Management:
New Business:
Observer: Diane Edmundson Length of Meeting: 55 minutes |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each report. Archives
January 2025