Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board Meeting
June 16, 2022 All items on the agenda were approved. Items of note are as follows:
Procurement Item Discussed: The Commissioners spent most of the meeting discussing this item. (Agenda Item#25, 22-0539) Commissioner Cam Davis stated that he had questions about responsible bidders. Commissioner Davis is concerned as to whether this company can be a responsible bidder after the accusations from the City of Chicago of fraudulent billing and other issues. Commissioner Davis questioned Inspector General Patrick Blanchard on responsible bidders and whether there was justification for finding the contractor not a responsible bidder. Inspector General Blanchard stated that they did a thorough investigation, and it was determined that the Contractor was not a responsible bidder for City of Chicago. Commissioner Davis wanted to know if the Contractor could be a responsible bidder for MWRD but was told MWRD would have to determine this. Blanchard recognized that this was a difficult task. Commissioner Garcia as did other commissioners, wanted to be reassured that the bidding process was a fair and good process. He asked the Dir. Of Procurement, Legal Counsel and Dir. Of Engineering to answer. They stated that there are criteria that needs to be followed to procure a contract. They also reassured the Board that with all contracts they carefully follow the procedure before awarding contracts. Kennedy Contractors were the lowest bidder, and it was a fair and legitimate bid. The following were suggestions by Commissioners:
Miscellaneous and New Business:
Observer: Nancy Marcus
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board Meeting
June 2, 2022 MWRD Commissioners had questions on several procurement items on the agenda which led Commissioner Morita to opine that a study session needed to be held on Procurement, adding to the study sessions already identified as being needed for Affirmative Action Policy/Disparity Study (scheduled for July 14), Land Use Policy, and Climate Change. Commissioner Morita and President Steel again urged that the Commissioners find times on their calendars for these study sessions. All items on the agenda, including the extension of the existing MWRD Affirmative Action Policy from June 30 to December 31, 2022, were approved, except for Item 27, 22-0539, which was deferred and is described immediately below. Procurement Items Discussed:
Stormwater Management Items
Other Item Discussed:
New Business:
Observer: Priscilla Mims |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each report. Archives
February 2025