Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
September 21, 2023 All 9 Members were present Board Actions: Commissioner Spyropoulos, without comment, deferred a vote to advertise a $1.5 million contract for professional engineering services to create a biosolids management strategy for the Stickney wastewater treatment plant. Commissioners Garcia and Sepulveda, while encouraging long-term planning for a new solids strategy, asked staff to restore a popular program that distributed biosolids to the public. MWRD’s distribution of biosolids garden material to individuals ceased when PFAS concerns surfaced. #10 23-0892 One other item was deferred: Commissioners Sepulveda and Brown sponsored a motion to recommend the inclusion of establishing a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice Department for consideration as part of the District’s forthcoming State of Illinois 2024 Legislative program. Commissioner Garcia deferred, saying more discussion was needed on how a new department would fit within the existing structure of the District. Commissioner Davis noted the initiative has been under discussion for 6 months, and deferral is a delay. Commissioner Sepulveda said adding the item to the 2024 Legislative program would allow the Board to openly discuss the plan without fear of violating strictures of the Illinois Open Meetings act. #37 23-0927 All other of the 37 resolutions were passed including a resolution to grant Hanover Park a 60-year non-exclusive easement for a 6-inch water main. That resolution had been deferred from the September 7th meeting. Item #27 23-0860 Item #23 23-0878 cut the contracted amount with Metropolitan Biosolids Management LLC to design, build, own and operate a biosolids processing plant at the Stickney water treatment plant (20-year agreement) from the initially agreed $191.4 million to an amount not to exceed $189.9 million, a $1.4 million contract reduction. Item #8 23-0886 The board agreed to advertise a contract for farming at the Hanover Park wastewater treatment plant at an estimated cost of $890,000. Item #11 23-0894 The Board granted authority to advertise a contract to upgrade the Wilmette lift station, with an estimated cost of between $1.5and $1.8 million. Item #22 23-0902 National Power Rodding Corporation was awarded a $7.5 million contract to use television equipment to inspect and record conditions of sewers and manholes around the District. Item # 31 23-0912 The Board agreed to lease 82 acres of District land on the south bank of the Cal-Sag channel for 50 years to the City of Palos Heights for public recreation. Stormwater Management: The Board gave authority to enter into negotiations for stormwater facilities and improvements with the City of DesPlaines at a cost of $1 million and agreed to enter an intergovernmental agreement with Lyons township to acquire flood-prone properties and construct stormwater storage at a cost not to exceed $2.5 million. Further, a Report on Green Infrastructure, Detention, and Compensatory Storage Volumes Required by the Watershed Management Ordinance was approved and filed. Observer: Laurie Morse Meeting length: 1 hour, 37 minutes
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board Meeting
September 7, 2023 Board Action: A motion to appoint David Ormsby, Inc. as Public Relations Consultant for the MWRD for a one-year period to advise on crisis communications management was approved 7 to 2 after being deferred from the August 10, 2023 meeting and again from the morning to afternoon session of this meeting. The issue at hand was discussed at the August Procurement Study Session where board members made known that they want more contracts to go out to bid. Commissioners Davis and Spyropoulos were the two voting against the contract saying that it should go out to bid. Several of the remaining seven that voted to approve the contract said that they have met with Mr. Ormsby, that he is very qualified, and that there should be no delay in getting the help needed. Commissioner Davis said the contract language was not clear as to how this will lead to better systemic communications. (Agenda Item #1 23-0801). Two other agenda items were deferred:
All of the other 64 resolutions were passed including four Stormwater Management Intergovernmental agreements or authority to enter into same. The total expected expenditures reported at almost $6 million. One of the Stormwater agreements is being terminated and replaced in an amount not to exceed $3,483,000. The Legal Department shared that the District cannot legally require that local governments adopt the District’s AAP goals. Commissioners Garcia and Sepulveda requested giving priority to municipalities that comply with the District’s participation goals or a higher scoring value at project selection. This approach appears to be legal. Another item of interest is the staff’s request to advertise for Individual Coaching and Training services for a 3-year period. This is for managers identified as needing improvement in their managerial skills or for those managers requesting the help. (Agenda Item #26 23-0825) New Business
Observer: Diane Edmundson All 9 Members were present – Garcia on Video No Public Speakers – No Executive Session Meeting length: 70 minutes |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each report. Archives
January 2025