Metropolitan Water Reclamation Water District (MWRD) Board Meeting
February 6, 2025 Commissioner Cam Davis deferred authorization to continue an $80,000 payment to the CC Sheriff’s office Prescription Drug Take-Back program. He noted that in January of 2022, the Illinois Legislature passed a law to shift the cost of take-back programs to the Pharmaceutical Companies and asked what progress staff has made to effect this change. He is open to passing the resolution for a period of 2-3 months, and noted that when, in the past, he asked staff when it would be ready, he was told “we will look into it”. President Steele voiced her strong support for the intergovernmental agreement and noted that 95.5% is for administrative costs. Waller noted that it would likely be the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association that would be the contact and the one responsible for payment. Several commissioners asked for more information including the legislative text, a 2-year invoice of costs, next steps/ timelines. #24 25-0082 Other Items of Interest
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
December 19, 2024 In a 70-minute meeting the board approved several important resolutions and heard public comments from four individuals. The 2025 budget remained virtually the same at $1.7B. The corporate fund increased to account for non-union pay raises and the construction fund went down. The updated draft of the Watershed Ordinance was lauded by Friends of the Chicago River for retaining volume control protection, and the User Charge Ordinance was updated to clarify definitions and inclusions such as adding showers to water carrying human waste and clarifying the definition of process wastewater. Board discussion focused on Item 37-1120, the 2025 Legislative Initiatives. Six (6) items were approved:
Newly elected Commissioner Waller identified a specific senate bill that she wanted added to the priority list which, if enacted into law, would turn off the faucet on PFAS’ discharge into Illinois waterways (SB 88). The law department’s General Assembly liaison noted that it could not be added to the priorities list but could be brought as an individual item for board support. Commissioner Brady-Davis commented on Item #38 24-1133 thanking the staff and noting that this is “environmental justice in action”. #38 is an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Chicago for the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the LeMoyne and Maypole Underground Storage Program at a cost not to exceed $6 million. There were no deletions or deferrals to items on the agenda. Without discussion, the board also approved the 2025 payment of $181,584 to the Water Research Foundation for its annual research commitment; Advertise for an estimated $5 to $6 million dollar contract for raw sewage discharge pipe support modifications for pumps; and a $200,000 purchase order for Mimecast advanced threat security support. Requests: Commissioner Davis requested a memo on the breakdown of authorities and responsibilities in regards to the demolition collapse into the Chicago River. MWRD was notified but Chicago is in charge. Observer - Diane Edmundson Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
December 12, 2024 This meeting was for the sole purpose of approving the Adopted Budget for 2025. This was approved unanimously with no discussion. However, there is one more step in the budget process before the 2025 budget will be finalized: on December 19, the Board will consider any final amendments which could impact the numbers given below. Beth McElroy Kirkwood was appointed by Governor J.B. Pritzker to fill the empty Commissioner position as a result of former Commissioner Mariyana Spyropoulos’ election as Cook County Clerk of the Circuit Court on Nov. 5. Ms. McElory Kirkwood will serve as a Commissioner until November 2026 when someone will be elected to serve the remaining two years of Comm. Spyropoulos’ 6-year term. The Adopted Budget of $1.695 Billion:
Observer: Priscilla Mims Length of meeting: 30 minutes Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
December 5, 2024 MWRD President Kari Steele commented that this might have been the shortest Board meeting ever. For the first time (at least since the League has been observing), none of the Commissioners identified any of the 38 agenda items for discussion at the meeting. The Commissioners said that all their questions had been answered by the Executive Director prior to the meeting. All items were passed unanimously, and included:
During the time for Public Comment a person from the Historical Society of Harvey raised objections to the taking of homes for the proposed flood control project there, which has been the subject of public comments over many recent meetings. This was newly-elected Commissioner Sharon Waller’s first meeting. The seat formerly held by Mariyanna Spyropoulos, who was elected as Cook County Clerk for the Circuit Court, has not yet been filled by an appointee of the Governor. All other Commissioners were present except Eira Corral Sepulveda. Length of meeting: 50 minutes, including a 15-minute Executive Session. Observer - Priscilla Mims Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
November 21, 2024 Public Comment
Board Action Item 36 #24-1018
Stormwater Management
Exiting Commissioners Items 44 and 45.
Observer - Laurie Morse Executive Session: No Meeting length: 1 hour 45 minutes Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD)
Board of Commissioners Meeting October 17, 2024 Public Comment
Board Action
In new business, President Steele noted that the MWRD Civil Engineering Team won an award from the Illinois Engineering Association for its work on the Addison Creek Project. Observer: Diane Edmundson |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each report. Archives
February 2025