LWVCC advocates based on positions adopted after studying issues and reaching consensus. At times, we may act based on positions of the national or state League. The positions LWVCC has adopted for use in Cook County are published in Where We Stand - 2023.
COUNTY GOVERNMENT - Supports measures that improve the structure and function of Cook County government, including retention of single-member districts, separation of powers, a timely budget process, government transparency, and inter-governmental cooperation.
CRIMINAL JUSTICE - Supports measures that improve adult corrections and the criminal courts, increase and improve diversion programs, and improve judicial sentencing and oversight of correctional facilities.
HEALTH CARE - Supports providing public health facilities that are accessible to those who need services, and provides for citizen input in planning for health care with emphasis on cost containment and consumer involvement.
JUVENILE JUSTICE - Supports a separate juvenile justice system that protects the rights of all without discrimination; has the necessary staffing, programs and community support to be effective; is accessible; and provides for the secure detention of juveniles when necessary.
TOWNSHIP SCHOOL SYSTEM - Supports abolishment of the township school treasurers and trustees system within Cook County.
Guidelines for LWVCC Advocacy
LWVCC uses these parameters in advocating for issues and joining an external coalition.