Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board of Directors Meeting
May 2, 2024-10:30 a.m. Board Action: Agenda #40 (24-0338) The MWRD staff presented a report on the DIA (Disproportionately Impacted Areas) communities that will receive infrastructure assistance.
Agenda #3 (024-005) The Ordinance to give authority to amend the Watershed Management Ordinance-Wetlands Jurisdictional Determination was passed. Ayes: 8 Nays: 0 Ab. 1 PUBLIC COMMENTS:
DELETED ITEMS: Executive Director Perkovich deleted #1, 2 and 27.
Consent agenda (#1-41, except for #1,2,3, 27) was passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Commissioners met to discuss personnel matters. Meeting adjourned: 11:55 a.m. on an unanimous vote. Observer: Georgia Gebhardt
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
June 1, 2023 Authority to enter into thirteen [13] intergovernmental agreements with local communities for flood control was approved at this board meeting ranging in cost from $207,000 to $1 million dollars. An additional two were approved including: (a) Authority to negotiation agreements to assist various local municipalities with the condition assessment and the rehabilitation of sanitary sewers; and (b) Authority to negotiate with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for a multi-benefit Flood Control Project located between the village of Glenwood and the Village of Ford Heights. In addition, eight (8) Furnish and Deliver contracts were approved two of which included Affirmation Action goals. Until the December 2022 update of the District's Affirmation Action Plan (AAP), Furnish and Deliver contracts were excluded from AAP goals. With the exception of Item #24-0526 for landscape work which was deleted by the Executive Director without discussion, all agenda items were approved including the three items that were deferred at the May 18, 2023 meeting. Several new items include:
No Exec. Session Absent: Commissioner Sepulveda Observer: Diane Edmundson Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
May 18, 2023 Commissioner Kimberly Du Buclet resigned from the MWRD Board. She was selected to serve as the State Representative of the 5th District after the resignation of Lamont Robinson who was recently elected as alderman of Chicago's 4th Ward. Deferred Agenda Items: (All 3 Items deferred at request of Commissioner Garcia)
Observer: Kathleen Graffam Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
December 1, 2022; 10:30 a.m. Board Action: Agenda Item #41-022-014B- Commissioners adopted the Affirmative Action Ordinance Revised Appendix D of the MWRD of Greater Chicago on an unanimous roll call vote. Main provisions of the ordinance:
Agenda Item #2-22-1047: The MWRD Board of Commissioners honored outgoing Chakena Perry, highlighting her impressive credentials. Ms. Perry is a graduate of Connecticut College and the University of Chicago. She has been the youngest commissioner on the Board. Commissioner Perry has been an activist in Planned Parenthood, chair of the Cook County Young Democrats and worked for environmental justice. Agenda Item #5-22-1080: The MWRD Board honored Nellie L. Jones (1976-1982) who was the first black woman commissioner at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District. Ms. Jones was an architect of the first affirmative action program. Commissioner Perry introduced the extended family of Nellie Jones, whom she had invited to her last meeting. Several commissioners expressed interest in developing a program to further highlight and honor Ms. Jones. Stormwater Management:
New Business:
Commissioner Comment:
Observer: Georgia Gebhardt Executive Session: Yes Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
November 17, 2022; 10:30 A.M. Board Recognitions:
Much of the rest of the meeting was spent in discussion of a review of amendments to the Affirmative Action Ordinance.
Agenda Items 22-0931, 0932, 0933 (#8, 9, 10) Commissioners requested quarterly reports from lobbyists to monitor the progress of making companies responsible for PFAS. Commissioner Spyropoulous suggested that there be a specific schedule of dates for the reports. Commissioners Garcia, DuBuclet and Morita asked for updates from the executive director. Agenda Item 22-1033 (#37) This was an item to enter into an intergovernmental agreement with the city of Evanston as part of the green infrastructure program, one of whose goals is to expand into the suburbs. The Executive Director reported they are working with consultants now to increase participation. There has not been an overwhelming response from suburban schools. Commissioner Davis suggested it might be because there are no cohesive funders in suburban areas, like there are in the City of Chicago. Executive Director said they would work to improve outreach. Consent agenda (#1-38) was unanimously approved on a roll call vote, except for #27 which was deferred. New business: Will do a poll to find a date after Thanksgiving for study session on affirmative action amendments. Observer: Georgia Gebhardt Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
May 5, 2022 Commission McGowan opened the meeting by calling for the deletion of the proposed amendment to the Affirmative Action Ordinance without discussion until the Board holds a Study Session on the recent Disparity Report. No date has been set. All nine commissioners voted to delete without discussion. Agenda Item #1 022-006.) Only two other items were pulled for discussion. Both because the market rate for chemicals, in this case Sodium Hypochlorite and Magnesium Chloride, is widely fluctuating and the vendors do not want to commit to more than a year’s rate. Hence, they will have the opportunity to rebid the rate for year two of the contract. After an explanation that during each contract year, the rate would remain the same regardless of market conditions, the items were returned to the agenda. (Agenda Items #13 22-0397 and #17 22-0425.) All agenda items were approved with the exception of Item #1 above and two others that were deleted by the Executive Director without discussion. There were no Stormwater Management contracts on the agenda. No Executive Session was held and no New Business was offered Observer: Diane Edmundson |
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February 2025