Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
November 21, 2024 Public Comment
Board Action Item 36 #24-1018
Stormwater Management
Exiting Commissioners Items 44 and 45.
Observer - Laurie Morse Executive Session: No Meeting length: 1 hour 45 minutes
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
February 2, 2023- 10:30 a.m. Board Action: Only two items were pulled from the consent agenda for discussion.
There were no deferred or deleted agenda items. New Business: Commissioner Davis asked for a progress report on software that would signal that information was missing from a bid. He also commended Attorney General Raoul’s lawsuit against the manufacturers of Pfafs. In addition the commissioner said there were $100 million in grants from the EPA. He asked that ED Perkovich look into this. Commissioner Spyropoulos asked for the status of the Climate Action Update. ED Perkovich said it would be ready by the end of March or early April. Commissioner Spyropoulos, along with Commissioners Corral Sepulveda, du Buclet and Flynn echoed their support for the Attorney General’s Pfafs lawsuit. There was no executive session. Meeting adjourned: 11:18 a.m. Observer: Georgia Gebhardt Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
November 4, 2021 The majority of the one hour board meeting was devoted to the Commissioners asking Staff questions about what criteria is used to award inter-government agreements to assist local municipalities and other governmental organizations with green infrastructure projects. Commissioners learned that the staff is now ranking requests based on the amount of water captured, the median income of the area covered, and the structures protected to determine the most productive contracts. The board then gave staff the authority to negotiate these agreements. Stormwater Mgmt. 21-1034. Board Action:
Stormwater Management
Special requests
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
August 5, 2021 The meeting was held in person with COVID-19 precautions such as a mask requirement, socially distance and limited seating. 6 out of the nine commissioners were present. Commissioners Davis, Sepulveda and Morita were absent. There was one speaker, Kelley Gendurski, Deputy Manager City of Evanston. She spoke in favor of the lease agreement between the City of Evanston and the MWRD to allow public parking and tailgating along the North shore Channel during Northwestern University home football games. Agenda Items grouped for discussion and approved: The following items were grouped into one discussion by the Board.
Agenda Items that were pulled for discussion and approved:
Stormwater Management:
Deferred or Deleted Items:
Resolution of Interest: The MWRD passed a Resolution congratulating Matthew B. DeLeon on his retirement. Observer - Nancy Marcus Meeting Length: Total of 4 hours with a 2- hour Executive Session sandwiched in the middle Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board - December 14, 2017
Special Meeting The Board, without discussion except for one item, approved a number of items which result in a 2018 budget of $1.15 billion. The final numbers cannot be known until the 2% increase approved for all non-represented employees, which appears to be approximately $2.4 million, has been added to the totals. It was this salary increase (Item 4, File # 17-1314) that involved the only discussion. Commissioner Walsh said that a memo from the Director of Human Resources had been provided to the Commissioners that morning which recommended that no increase be given. After the meeting, Commissioner Shore shared the memo with this observer. Among other factors the Director cited were the above-market starting and average salaries of MWRD employees and the salary increases over the past 10 years (20%) as compared to the Consumer Price Index (12.7%). It was noted that benefit packages should also be considered, but there was no comparison of the MWRD benefits to those benefits provided by others. The memo stated that for each percentage increase in salaries for non-represented employees, the additional cost would be $1.2 million. However, the new collective bargaining agreements provide for a 2% salary increase in 2018, and this appeared to convince at least some of the Commissioners to approve the 2% increase for non-represented employees. The vote was 6 “yes” (with Commissioner Morita absent for this vote) and 1 “present” (Commissioner Walsh). The only other item that was not procedural in nature was Item 2, File #17-1312, which contained a number of changes to the Tentative Budget. Among other things, this amendment increased the total appropriation by $10.5 million, which includes
Observer - Priscilla Mims Meeting Length - 35 minutes Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board Meeting - April 7, 2016
Major Items Discussed:
Update on rules for Public Speakers at MWRD Meetings: Commissioner Bradford’s change to the placement of public speakers at board meetings was deferred for a later date. Right now, public speakers can speak after each agenda item. The change would put all public speakers at the beginning of each board meeting. Late arriving speakers would have a second chance to speak at the end. Commissioner Bradford said that this would make meetings more orderly. Commissioner Avila disagreed and said that the meetings were orderly already. He also stated that he liked hearing from the public after each agenda item. The Board went into Executive Session at 11:40am and was expected to pass all agenda items on their return. Observer - Jan Goldberg Meeting Length - 1 hour 40 minutes |
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February 2025