Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
April 20, 2023-10:30 A.M. Agenda Item #21-23-0327-Commissioners voted to defer a $22,976,100 contract for three boilers at the Stickney Plant.
Agenda Item #5-23-0376- Comptroller of MWRD presented the report on Governmental Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for 2022. MWRD was lauded for excellent achievement in financial reporting for the MWRD Retirement Fund and the Retiree Health Care Trust for 2021. Stormwater Management:
Executive Session: Requested by Commissioner Corral Sepulveda to discuss the recent Inspector General report. Adjourn to executive session at 11:30 a.m.; End of Executive session: 12:07 p.m. New business: Commissioners recounted many events planned to celebrate Earth Day. Meeting adjourned: 12:33 p.m. Observer: Georgia Gebhardt
MWRD Board Okays 1-Year Extension of Agreement to Share Services of Cook County Inspector General4/16/2023 Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
April 6, 2023; 10:30 a.m. MWRD Commissioners authorized an agreement for an additional year in which the MWRD would share the services of the Cook County Independent Inspector General (IIG). Commissioner Spyropoulos asked if the MWRD was not getting its own Inspector General. Executive Director Perkovich said that they are in an interim phase with the resignation of Mr. Blanchard, the previous Cook County IIG. The one-year extension will give staff time to clarify issues. As of now, while the MWRD is legally permitted to have its own IIG, it will continue to use Cook County’s. Commissioner Garcia requested a timeline on this process. Director Perkovich said this could be done. The authorization was approved unanimously on a roll call vote. (Agenda Item #13 - 23-0304) Stormwater Management:
Deferred Items:
New Business: Commissioner Spyropoulos raised the issue of cyber-security attacks. The Commissioner felt that the Board should be more proactive on this issue and requested they hold an Executive Session for discussion. There was no executive session. Meeting Adjourned: 11:28 a.m. Observer: Georgia Gebhardt Commissioner Davis absent. |
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January 2025