Cook County Board of Commissioners Finance Committee - Departmental Budget Hearings
October 25, 2017 Office of the Sheriff of Cook County Commissioners absent for all or most of the meetings: Butler, Goslin, & Schneider. Commissioners present: Arroyo, Boykin, Daley, Deer, Fritchey, Gainer, Garcia, Moody, Moore, Morrison, Schneider, Silvestri, & Tobolski. Suffredin and Sims arrived at about 11:35am. Comm. Daley, Finance Committee Chairman, presided over meeting. Items of Interest:
The Sheriff’s big ideas for reducing the budget were:
A few discussions:
Observer - Amy Little (left shortly before end of meeting)
Cook County Board of Commissioners Finance Committee - Departmental Budget Hearings
Day #7 - October 28, 2016 Cook County Sheriff - presented by Tom Dart, Cook County Sheriff Proposed Budget FY17 - $633,359,903 FY16 - $520,257,341 Proposed FTEs FY17 - 6,667 FTEs FY16 - 6,772 FTE’s In 2016 - Detainees in the Jail number about 8300 with approximately 2500 on Electronic Monitoring (EM) In 2010 - Detainees numbered closer to 10,000 in jail with only a few hundred on EM. Key Information Presented: Sheriff Dart gave a short presentation about how his budget is up while his jail population is down. He indicated the cost of overtime and the increase in special programs set up for detainees are the reasons for the budget increase. His officers are also spending more time helping other police districts, especially in the southern suburbs. Most of his time was spent answering the commissioners’ questions. He took all of the questions very seriously and gave thoughtful and expansive answers. When he did not have a good answer ready for a serious issue, he always said “I would welcome suggestions on how to handle this.” By appearing to not know everything about law enforcement and incarceration, he used his time to engage in a very thoughtful dialogue. The Commissioners who were present were Sims, Garcia, Boykin, Morrison, Silvestri, Schneider, Moore, Gainer, and Daley. Questions/Comments from Commissioners:
Cook County State’s Attorney - presented by Gavin Ambrose, Chief of Staff for SA Proposed Budget FY17 - $21,733,224 FY16 - $21,709,450 Proposed FTEs FY17 - 1,327 FY16 - 1,391 Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez did not show up for the State's Attorney budget presentation. She had sent a written statement prior to the the meeting to all of the Commissioners. Those present (Daley, Boykin, Garicia Silvestri, Sims, Moore, Gainer, Morrison, and Schneider) did not want her statement read aloud by her Chief of Staff, Gavin Ambrose. Instead, Mr. Ambrose and other staffers did their best to answer the questions of the commissioners. Written Statement: After the meeting I (the observer) was told that I could find the statement online under “Meeting Details”. The statement listed some of the achievements that the SA had completed during her 8 years in office. These included;
Questions/Concerns of the Commissioners:
Overall, it would have been better to have heard directly from the State’s Attorney. The answers given were not as in depth as they would have been had she been present. Observer - Jan Goldberg Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting - March 23, 2016
Significant Decisions Made: As announced by Cook County Health and Hospitals System (CCHHS) CEO Jay Shannon, CCHHS, the Justice Advisory Council and the Chicago Police Department have worked together to develop a Community Triage Center on the south side of Chicago. This 24-hour a day center, opening soon, will enable police to bring anyone in mental health crisis or substance abuse crisis to the triage center for assessment and stabilizing before referral to other resources. This is intended to reduce incarceration and reduce regular emergency room use for these issues as has been done in the past. It will be more helpful to those people taken to the triage center and “reduce the human misery” of those in crisis. (Agenda Item #16-2039) Cook County Sheriff’s officers will provide Extra Duty Police services (6:00pm-2:00am) to 3 Cook County Housing facilities in Ford Heights, Chicago Heights, and Robbins through an inter-governmental agreement. (16-0876) A First Time Offender Drug diversion program has been given a contract through TASC, Inc. (Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities). This program is run through the State’s Attorney’s Office and provides consistency between this intervention program and the various court-mandated programs throughout the court system. (16-2079) Another diversion program contract, to Heartland Human Care Services, Inc., working in the Juvenile Probation & Court Services Dept. has been extended and increased. This is run through Chief Judge Evans’ Office. (16-1155) Topics Discussed and/or referred to Committee:
Items to watch for in the future:
Observation: Due to the lengthy Consent Calendar comments (1 1/2 hours), the regular 11:00 Board meeting was delayed until 1:50. Adjourned at about 3:00. This observer appreciates the short explanation by commissioners and the President of ordinances and resolutions brought up for vote—very helpful to the listening audience. Observer: Karin Hribar Cook County Board Meeting, 12/16/15
Observed by: Nancy Marcus Significant Decisions Made: Item 16-0557 Cook County Board meeting schedule for 2016. The calendar was approved, there will be 15 meetings, 1 meeting per month including July and August and 2 meetings in the following months: March, June, and October. Two items proposed by the Justice Advisory Council were approved:
Item 16-0574 an approved as amended resolution sponsored by Commissioner John Fritchey and Jesus Garcia. This is a request to the Cook County State’s Attorney to appear before a hearing of the Criminal Justice Committee to discuss the investigation and indictment in the LaQuan McDonald case. Commissioner Fritchey introduced an amendment to this resolution, waiving the 24-hour rule, to delete all reference to the LaQuan McDonald case and add that the State's Attorney appear to discuss the investigation and handling of alleged police misconduct matters. There was discussion as to whether this is an appropriate request. Gavin Ambose, Chief of Staff of the State's Attorney Office, stated an objection to this request.. Item 16-0420, is a report from David Orr, County Clerk and approved by the Commissioners regarding the proposed confirmation and appointment of Election Judges. Item 15-5906 ordinance, Liquid Hazardous waste ordinance and fee. The Commissioners concurred with the Environmental Control Committee to approve this ordinance. _ Significant Topics Discussed and/or Referred to Committee: Item 16-0475 is a proposed ordinance sponsored by Commissioner Richard Boykin, This is to amend section 2-331 of the Cook County Guidelines for Special State’s Attorney pertaining to the prosecution of alleged offenses by members of the Police Department. Since there could be a presumption that the CC State’s Attorney has an interest in the case; therefore, the appointment of a Special State's Attorney should occur. This was referred to the Criminal Justice Committee. Item 16-0577 proposed resolution sponsored by Commissioner Richard Boykin, calling on the Circuit Court of Cook County to appoint a Special State’s Attorney to handle the prosecution of Officer Jason Van Dyke. In light of the Tribune Editorial (Wednesday, December 16,2017) written by Chief Judge Timothy Evans, stating why he could not appoint a special prosecutor, this was referred to the Criminal Justice Committee. Unexpected Votes, Events, Testimony or Items to Watch for in the Future: Emily Harris, Executive Director of ADA 25 Chicago, testified in support of the renovations of the Cook County Board Room. Adam Baler of Access Living also testified in favor of the renovations. Any Other Comments or Observations: The meeting was 2 1/2 hours; 1 hour of the meeting was the Consent Calendar. |
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