Criminal Justice Committee of Cook County Board Discusses Jail Safety and Security Issues12/26/2024 Cook County Board of Commissioners
Committee Meetings December 18, 2024 Criminal Justice Committee The meeting began with 45 minutes of Public Comment from advocates and family members of those persons who have died while incarcerated at the Cook County Jail. Comments focused on the need for better procedures to ensure the health and safety of persons while they are incarcerated. Also requests for more transparency and better notification procedures when deaths occur. Public Comment was followed by a presentation from representatives of the Sheriff’s Office and Cook County Health (Cermak Hospital) to educate the County Board about the policies and procedures in place to address the health and safety of detainees. (Agenda Item 25-5416) The following points were made during the presentations:
Legislative and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Finance Committee
Observer - Cynthia Schilsky
Cook County Board of Commissioners Committee Meetings
June 28, 2023 The Commissioners had a full day of Committee meetings filled with much substance. Highlights below include
12-week paid parental leave
Conditions at the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (“JTDC”)
Current Fiscal Year and Long-Term Revenue Forecast
Domestic Violence
Observer: Priscilla Mims Cook County Finance Committee Meetings on the Budget
October 26, 2022, 9 am to 2:30 pm The Sheriff said there should be little impact on the jail population in Cook County as a result of the SAFE-T Act going into effect on January 1, 2023. The Chief Judge explained the differences between the criteria for holding people in jail prior to trial in criminal cases now and after January 1. Following are more details of the meetings with these two officials, as well as the meeting on the Capital Budget. Office of the Sheriff -– Presented by Sheriff Tom Dart
Office of the Chief Judge -– Presented by Chief Judge Timothy Evans
Capital Budget Overview – Presented by Acting CFO Lawrence Wilson, Bureau Chief of Asset Management Elizabeth Granato, Director of Transportation Jennifer Killen, and Deputy CIO Adam Clement. The 2023 Capital Budget is $505.2 M composed of
Among the projects included in the Capital Budget are
Observer: Priscilla Mims Cook County Board - Criminal Justice Committee Meeting September 21, 2022 Big controversy over Cook County Court use of SCRAM devices Lots of contradictory points were made by justice groups, public defender office, and some Commissioners vs. the Chief Judge’s Office regarding the Court use of SCRAM ankle bracelets for DUI and other alcohol-related defendants. These devices measure perspiration to determine if the offender has consumed alcohol. The wearer is to avoid all alcohol consumption. Points made by Jim Anderson, CFO of Chief Judge Office:
1. condition of probation 2. in bond court as a condition of release 3. plea deal to avoid the charge of DUI being on the defendant’s record Points made by justice groups and some commissioners:
Cook County Board - Pension Committee September 21, 2022 A steady depletion of assets in Retirement Funds for CC and FPD despite a great investment year (2021)
September 22, 2022 Board Action: During new business, commissioners were asked to suspend the rules to take up fourteen [14] new items. The rules call for new items to be deferred to committee for consideration if the item or items have been introduced less than 48 hours before the Board meeting. Commissioner Gainer supported by Commission Sean Morrison noted that several of these items were not emergencies and were for expenditures totaling around $40 million dollars. Commissioner Gainer noted that it seems to be circumventing the Board’s procedure for referring new items to committees. Commissioner Morrison agreed and said that, in particular, items with an RFP process should go to committee. Notwithstanding these objections, nine of the resolutions were passed and five were referred to committee.
No action was taken on the ordinance amendment that would limit public testimony to 60 min. #22-4697 or #22-3155 proposed changes to ethics rules to align them with the new IL law. In addition, the Board approved the following items approved in prior Committee Meetings: Finance Committee meeting of Sept. 21:
Legislation & Intergovernmental Relations Committee meeting of Sept. 21:
Public Speakers included:
Observer: Diane Edmundson Cook County Board Discusses Diversity, Covid Vaccinations, Gun Violence and Juvenile Justice4/18/2021 Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting via Zoom
April 15, 2021 Attendance: all 17 commissioners were present. Meeting led by President Preckwinkle Items of Interest Sent to Committee:
Board Action:
Recognized on the Consent Agenda were 2 individuals who have impacted Criminal Justice within Cook County.
Observer - Jan Goldberg Meeting Duration: 10am until 1:30 PM |
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February 2025