Cook County Board of Commissioners
Committee Meetings March 12, 2024 Health and Hospitals Committee. 1 pm Vaccine Preventable Disease was the focus of the report from CCH. Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck, COO, made the presentation. Boost Up Cook County has been the program title for the past year. This year’s title is The Gift of Booster. Since currently school age children have the lowest vaccine rate in decades, immunizations awareness campaign is reaching out in a variety of ways and in multiple languages. 30 priority zip codes have been identified; outreach does extend beyond them. The goal for measles vaccines is 94%; there are concerns when it is under 90%. Shelters now have needs. Some support is provided for efforts in Chicago and the CDC is also involved. Comm. Stamps moved and Comm. Lowry seconded approval of Item 24-1372. It was approved by the Committee. Report can be viewed on the Legistar site for this meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1:45. Environment and Sustainability Committee. 1:30 pm A change in language to the Coal Tar Ban Ordinance was explained by Com Trevor to be a change from “asphalt based surfaces “ to “asphalt paved surfaces.” Committee Chair Degnan explained the item has been under discussion over months, that Com Trevor had spoken with business owners, lobbyists, and others. Details were explained in response to comments and questions from commissioners. A motion was made by Commissioner Trevor, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Morita, to accept as substituted and amended in the errata 23-5769. It passed in committee. Meeting began at 1:47pm and adjourned at 2:17pm. Observer: Carolyn Cosentino
Cook County Board of Commissioners Committee Meetings
February 28, 2024 Technology Committee:
Rules and Administration Committee and Legislation and intergovernmental Relations Committee:
Asset Management Committee:
Environment and Sustainability Committee:
What to watch for in the next meetings:
Observers: Karin Hribar and Victoria Cerenich (Environment and Sustainability Committee) Cook County Board Meeting and Board Committee Meetings January 23 and 24, 2019 Meeting Length: Board Meeting lasted 2 hours on Jan. 24. Committee meetings lasted approx. 3 hours on Jan. 23, and started 3 hours late because of length of Consent Agenda meeting. What did the Board decide?
What to watch for:
Observer - Priscilla Mims, Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting - May 10, 2017
Significant Decisions Made:
Significant Topics Discussed and/or Referred to Committee:
Other Testimony:
Other Comments or Observations:
Observer: Syvia Tillman Meeting Length: 5 hours including committee meetings Cook County Board of Commissioners
Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee October 25, 2016 This committee made up of all commissioners voted (12 to 3 with one absent and one voting present) in favor of an Ordinance Creating a Living Wage in Cook County, which raises the minimum wage throughout the county from the current $8.25 per hour to: $10.00 on July 1, 2017 $11.00 on July 1, 2018 $12.00 on July 1, 2019 $13.00 on July 1, 2020 with increases after that based on the CPI (Consumer Price Index) not to exceed 2.5% per year. (Agenda Item 16-5768) Also passed overwhelmingly was An Ordinance Governing the Safe Disposal of Pharmaceuticals that outlines a plan for the safe disposal of unwanted, unused pharmaceuticals throughout the county using sheriff facilities, pharmacies, and other drop-off areas. (Agenda Item 16-1983) The minimum wage topic had numerous members of organizations and the general public speaking in favor and against this ordinance. Those in favor generally spoke to how difficult it is to live on minimum wage. Those against spoke mostly on how it would hurt small businesses and those businesses that have very small profit margins. Also mentioned was that many businesses would have to reduce employee count or employee hours to accommodate the increased costs. The Retail Association stressed that this was one more requirement put on Cook County businesses lately—also paid sick leave, higher sales tax, higher property tax, and a possible sweetened beverage tax—which may cause some businesses to shut down or leave the county. The pharmaceutical ordinance had several speakers from all “sides” speaking in favor of this since it has been worked on by all affected groups for several months to come up with a compromise/acceptable ordinance. There will be a regulation board setting up and controlling procedures for this ordinance. Almost assuredly, both of these ordinance proposals will be voted on and passed at the regular Cook County Board meeting on October 26 since the same commissioners (all 17) are on both this committee and the Board. Observer - Karin Hribar Cook County Board Finance Committee - Departmental Budget Hearings
Second day of Budget Hearings - October 18, 2016 Bureau of Administration - Includes the following:
Proposed Budget 2016: $61 million 2017: $124 million (increases due to salaries and addition of benefits moved from Fixed Charges, but also $22 million in additional Motor Fuel Tax Illinois First funds being available for use plus $39 million in additional grants being available for highway and environmental projects) Overview by Chief Administrative Officer Martha Martinez:
Environmental Control - Proposed FTE's 23 Highlights of the presentations:
Medical Examiner - Dr. Arunkumar - Proposed FTEs - 115.3 Highlights of presentation:
Department of Adoption & Family supportive Services - Proposed FTE's 11 Key Information Presented:
Department of Transportation and Highways - Proposed FTE's 289.5 Key Information Presented:
Animal and Rabies Control - Dr. Donna Alexander, Administrator - Proposed FTEs - 23 Key Information Presented:
The Veterans Affairs Commission used to have it own budget line in the Budget. It is now under the auspices of the Bureau of Administration. There were many Veterans present during the Budget Hearing. Bill Browne, Director for Cook County Department of Veteran Affairs spoke of the concern of many veterans that their services will be cut. Tanya Anthony Director of Budget and Commissioners stated that this would not happen and assured them that the budget for next year is the same as in 2016 at $500,075. Cook County Law Library - Proposed FTEs - 30 Key Information Presented
Meeting lasted 31/2 hours, all Commissioners except Schneider present. Bureau of Human Resources - Velisha Haddox, Bureau Chief Proposed Budget 2016: $4.35 million 2017: $5.15 million proposed (difference mainly due to salary increases and addition of benefits moved from Fixed Charges, where they were in 2016) Proposed FTEs 2016: 48 FTEs 2017: 45 proposed Key Information Presented:
Secretary to the Board of Commissioner - Matthew DeLeon Proposed Budget - (This includes the Commissioners and their staff as well as the Secretary to the Board) 2016: $7.62 million 2017: $8.98 million (increase due to salaries for employees, not Commissioners whose salaries are fixed by law at $85,000, plus addition of benefits moved from Fixed Charges) 2016: 87.5 FTEs 2017: 88.1 FTEs Key Information Presented:
All were present except for Schneider. Observer - Nancy Marcus |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each post. Archives
August 2024