Finance Committee Approves $70 MillionTo Reimburse Chicago for Food Service for New Arrivals4/18/2024 Cook County Board Committee Meetings
April 16 and 17, 2024 The following are key items from the Committee Meetings: Finance Committee: Resolution to redirect $70 M (out of $100 M in the Disaster Response & Recovery Fund) from new arrival health care to reimbursing Chicago for food service for new arrivals (Item 24-2103)
Legislation & Intergovernment Relations Committee Approved amendment of Ethics Ordinance (Item 24-2057)
Health & Hospitals Committee Heard a report from Dr. Lamar Hasbrouck, Chief Operating Officer of the Department of Public Health (Item 23-3815)
Technology Committee All County Officials provided reports on their major technology projects from Sept. 2023 thru March 2024. However, written reports/presentations were not posted for the Board of Review or the State’s Attorney, though they did report at the meeting. A few items of note:
Observer: Priscilla Mims
Cook County Board of Commissioners
Committee Meetings March 12, 2024 Health and Hospitals Committee. 1 pm Vaccine Preventable Disease was the focus of the report from CCH. Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck, COO, made the presentation. Boost Up Cook County has been the program title for the past year. This year’s title is The Gift of Booster. Since currently school age children have the lowest vaccine rate in decades, immunizations awareness campaign is reaching out in a variety of ways and in multiple languages. 30 priority zip codes have been identified; outreach does extend beyond them. The goal for measles vaccines is 94%; there are concerns when it is under 90%. Shelters now have needs. Some support is provided for efforts in Chicago and the CDC is also involved. Comm. Stamps moved and Comm. Lowry seconded approval of Item 24-1372. It was approved by the Committee. Report can be viewed on the Legistar site for this meeting. Meeting adjourned at 1:45. Environment and Sustainability Committee. 1:30 pm A change in language to the Coal Tar Ban Ordinance was explained by Com Trevor to be a change from “asphalt based surfaces “ to “asphalt paved surfaces.” Committee Chair Degnan explained the item has been under discussion over months, that Com Trevor had spoken with business owners, lobbyists, and others. Details were explained in response to comments and questions from commissioners. A motion was made by Commissioner Trevor, seconded by Vice Chairwoman Morita, to accept as substituted and amended in the errata 23-5769. It passed in committee. Meeting began at 1:47pm and adjourned at 2:17pm. Observer: Carolyn Cosentino |
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February 2025