Shakman Update and County Clerk/Recorder of Deeds Merger Status Provided to Cook County Board11/25/2019 Cook County Board of Commissioners Committee Meetings
Nov 20, 2019 Highlights from the meetings: Finance Committee Commissioner Silvestri stated that at the Litigation Subcommittee meeting on Nov 19, the compliance administrators gave a positive report that the Assessor's office is moving quickly, the Clerk of the Court's pace has picked up and the Recorder of Deeds is at a good point in achieving compliance with the Shakman decrees. The next status update to the Litigation Subcommittee will be Feb 2020. It was hoped compliance would be achieved for the Recorder of Deeds before its merger with the Clerk's office, Dec 1, 2020. Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee Representatives from the Recorder of Deeds and Clerk's office presented a status update on their merger (agenda item 19-6178). Agreements have been made between the two regarding open dialog/communications and information sharing. Work groups have been established. Areas of early consolidation discussed were procurement and financial (merging bank accounts). Commissioner Suffredin suggested that the Recorder of Deeds and Clerk meet with the League of Women Voters as he said this outside group has continued to send questions regarding the merger process and were involved in the Nov 2016 referendum. Rules and Administration Committee The Just Housing Amendment, that Cook County's housing providers do not discriminate against individuals with a criminal history/convictions when they apply for housing, was passed spring 2019 by the Cook County Board of Commissioners. Interpretive rules for this Just Housing Amendment have been worked out over the past months. The Proposed Second Substitute to agenda item # 19-4770 on file (regarding the Just Housing Amendment Interpretive Rules) was adopted. The motion to receive and file the adopted Proposed Second Substitute 19-4770 was passed which sends the rules to the full Cook County board of Commissioners for final approval. There were many groups at the committee meeting presenting views on affordable and fair housing, criminal justice, disabilities and racial discrimination since historically individuals with a criminal history/convictions have a history of not obtaining safe and stable housing. Observed by Michele Niccolai
Cook County Budget Hearings End with Review of the Capital Budget and Review of Chief Judge's Budget11/23/2019 Cook County Board of Commissioners Finance Committee
Last Day of Departmental Budget Hearings Public Hearing, Review of The Capital Budget and the Chief Judge’s Budget November 4, 2019 Public Hearing on 2020 Executive Budget: There were about 20 speakers over a 2-hour period. The main subjects were
Review of Capital Budget:
Review of the Budget for the Chief Judge: Chief Judge Timothy Evans answered questions for the different areas under his supervision, including the Adult Probation Department (which encompasses pre-trial services such as electronic monitoring, as well as supervising some sentenced offenders), the Judiciary, the Public Guardian, Forensic Services, Social Services, Juvenile Probation, and the Juvenile Temporary Detention Center (for those awaiting trial). The Chief Judge pointed to his web site, where performance metrics and other data may be found.
Observed by Priscilla Mims Cook County Board Finance Committee Meeting and Board Meeting November 21, 2019
After the Finance Committee considered and passed 15 amendments to the proposed budget, the Cook County Board then passed the 2020 budget, as amended. (Item 19-5916) by a vote of 15 yeas, 1 nay, and 1 absent. The one negative vote was cast by Commissioner Sean Morrison who expressed concern over the total size of the budget and how it has more than doubled since 2011. He said that he would have preferred to maintain the amount budgeted for 2019 and use the additional revenues to further bolster the pension fund. Commissioner Morrison did not, however, offer any amendments to do so. Commissioner Tobolski was absent, as he was throughout the budget meetings. The 15 amendments that were passed added an additional $23 million to the proposed budget which came from:
Chairman Daley and Commissioner Silvestri thanked a number of people at the end, including the League for observing the budget meetings and providing questions for a number of departments. Observer: Priscilla Mims Cook County Board of Commissioners Committee Meetings - Oct. 23, 2019
Board Meeting - October 24, 2019 The Cook County Board quickly passed an ordinance creating a name change for CC’s Homeland Security Department. The new name is: Department of Emergency Management and Regional Security. The renaming occurred after a CC Homeland Security vehicle created alarm among attendees at an Evanston street fair because they did not differentiate between the Cook County and the US Immigration Homeland Security vehicle signage and therefore were concerned that US ICE Agents were there to round up people with potential immigration issues. Other Agenda items Passed:
Items Referred to Committee: To Business & Economic Development Committee:
To Legislative & Intergovernmental Affairs Committee:
To Rules Committee:
Other Items of Interest:
Observed by: Diane Edmundson Cook County Board of Commissioners - Finance Committee
Departmental Budget Hearings October 30, 2019, afternoon session Cook County Sheriff Overview of Proposed Budget for Sheriff's Office
Observer: Carole Cotter Cook County Board of Commissioners- Finance Committee
Departmental Budget Hearing Oct 29, 2019 Cook County Health (CCH)
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January 2025