Cook County Board Finance Committee Budget Hearings
Public Hearing - County Board Room October 31, 2016 - 9 am to 2 pm Well over 100 speakers registered to speak, meaning that there was not sufficient room for all to be in the room at the same time. A Spanish interpreter was made available for anyone needing that service. Commissioners Present: Because this observer was not able to be in the room, it was difficult to tell which Commissioners were there for the hearing. However, it was clear from the live stream that showed the entire Board floor from time to time that for much of the meeting there were only a few Commissioners present at any given time. Chairman Daley was there throughout. Meeting Highlights:
Observer - Priscilla Mims
Cook County Board of Commissioners Finance Committee - Departmental Budget Hearings
Day #7 - October 28, 2016 Cook County Sheriff - presented by Tom Dart, Cook County Sheriff Proposed Budget FY17 - $633,359,903 FY16 - $520,257,341 Proposed FTEs FY17 - 6,667 FTEs FY16 - 6,772 FTE’s In 2016 - Detainees in the Jail number about 8300 with approximately 2500 on Electronic Monitoring (EM) In 2010 - Detainees numbered closer to 10,000 in jail with only a few hundred on EM. Key Information Presented: Sheriff Dart gave a short presentation about how his budget is up while his jail population is down. He indicated the cost of overtime and the increase in special programs set up for detainees are the reasons for the budget increase. His officers are also spending more time helping other police districts, especially in the southern suburbs. Most of his time was spent answering the commissioners’ questions. He took all of the questions very seriously and gave thoughtful and expansive answers. When he did not have a good answer ready for a serious issue, he always said “I would welcome suggestions on how to handle this.” By appearing to not know everything about law enforcement and incarceration, he used his time to engage in a very thoughtful dialogue. The Commissioners who were present were Sims, Garcia, Boykin, Morrison, Silvestri, Schneider, Moore, Gainer, and Daley. Questions/Comments from Commissioners:
Cook County State’s Attorney - presented by Gavin Ambrose, Chief of Staff for SA Proposed Budget FY17 - $21,733,224 FY16 - $21,709,450 Proposed FTEs FY17 - 1,327 FY16 - 1,391 Cook County State's Attorney Anita Alvarez did not show up for the State's Attorney budget presentation. She had sent a written statement prior to the the meeting to all of the Commissioners. Those present (Daley, Boykin, Garicia Silvestri, Sims, Moore, Gainer, Morrison, and Schneider) did not want her statement read aloud by her Chief of Staff, Gavin Ambrose. Instead, Mr. Ambrose and other staffers did their best to answer the questions of the commissioners. Written Statement: After the meeting I (the observer) was told that I could find the statement online under “Meeting Details”. The statement listed some of the achievements that the SA had completed during her 8 years in office. These included;
Questions/Concerns of the Commissioners:
Overall, it would have been better to have heard directly from the State’s Attorney. The answers given were not as in depth as they would have been had she been present. Observer - Jan Goldberg Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting - October 26, 2016
Significant Decisions Made:
Topics provoking discussion:
Items of Interest:
Observer - Karin Hribar Cook County Board of Commissioners
Legislation and Intergovernmental Relations Committee October 25, 2016 This committee made up of all commissioners voted (12 to 3 with one absent and one voting present) in favor of an Ordinance Creating a Living Wage in Cook County, which raises the minimum wage throughout the county from the current $8.25 per hour to: $10.00 on July 1, 2017 $11.00 on July 1, 2018 $12.00 on July 1, 2019 $13.00 on July 1, 2020 with increases after that based on the CPI (Consumer Price Index) not to exceed 2.5% per year. (Agenda Item 16-5768) Also passed overwhelmingly was An Ordinance Governing the Safe Disposal of Pharmaceuticals that outlines a plan for the safe disposal of unwanted, unused pharmaceuticals throughout the county using sheriff facilities, pharmacies, and other drop-off areas. (Agenda Item 16-1983) The minimum wage topic had numerous members of organizations and the general public speaking in favor and against this ordinance. Those in favor generally spoke to how difficult it is to live on minimum wage. Those against spoke mostly on how it would hurt small businesses and those businesses that have very small profit margins. Also mentioned was that many businesses would have to reduce employee count or employee hours to accommodate the increased costs. The Retail Association stressed that this was one more requirement put on Cook County businesses lately—also paid sick leave, higher sales tax, higher property tax, and a possible sweetened beverage tax—which may cause some businesses to shut down or leave the county. The pharmaceutical ordinance had several speakers from all “sides” speaking in favor of this since it has been worked on by all affected groups for several months to come up with a compromise/acceptable ordinance. There will be a regulation board setting up and controlling procedures for this ordinance. Almost assuredly, both of these ordinance proposals will be voted on and passed at the regular Cook County Board meeting on October 26 since the same commissioners (all 17) are on both this committee and the Board. Observer - Karin Hribar Cook County Board Finance Committee - Departmental Budget Hearings
Day #6 - October 24, 2016 Amy Campanelli, the Public Defender of Cook County began her testimony with a moving video about some of her most memorable cases along with interviews from some of her staff about the important work that they perform. She stated that her office is: “THE VOICE OF THE VOICELESS”. Proposed Budget: FY17 - $76,200,929 FY16 - $64,970,115 Proposed FTEs: FY17 - 677 FY16 - 698 She is requesting $2 million more than the President’s recommendation because:
Ms. Campanelli was compelling in her testimony. She made the commissioners feel the importance of her office mission, which is to bring representation to all clients. That is what the 6th Amendment to the US Constitution is all about. All commissioners were present except for Comm. Goslin and Comm. Butler. Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County - Clerk Dorothy Brown Proposed Budget FY17 - $126,104,069 FY16 - $105, 360,894 Proposed FTEs FY17 - 1633 FY16 - 1685 Clerk Brown stated that most of her monetary increase was due to personnel costs (such as raises and step increases), document scanning, computerization of judge’s orders, E-filing and the relocation of files to the warehouse in Cicero. Accomplishments Cited:
Commissioners Present: During the first part of her talk only Comm. Tobolski, Boykin, Steele, Sylvester, Morrison, Daley and Garcia were present. Comm. Schnieder, Sufferdin, Sims, Moody, and Gainer trickled in later. Observer - Jan Goldberg Cook County Board Finance Committee - Departmental Budget Hearings
Day #5 of Budget Hearings (Part Two) - October 21, 2016 Office of the Treasurer - presented by Maria Pappas, Treasurer Proposed Budget: FY17 - $12.9 million FY16 - $12.2 million Proposed FTEs:: FY17 - 88.5 FY16 - 89 (250 in 1998] Key Information Presented:
Perhaps of greatest interest and concern to the Commissioners is the state legislated system for sale of delinquent taxes. If the current law stands, taxes delinquent by 4 months after the August due date can be sold. The home owner has another several months to pay the taxes but the amount due can end up being 2-3 times more than the original tax because of interest, penalties, and court costs - plus – the tax buyer receives the income from the redemption – not the County. Treasurer Pappas is strongly against the state law and blames a power lobby for creating it. The County is currently working on a compromise plan [6 months before being sold]. The constituent group most affected by this is Senior Citizens. Homeland Security and Emergency Management presented by Ernest Brown, Executive Director Proposed Budget FY17 - $1.7 million * FY16 - $2.6 million * *Cook County Taxpayer funding - Another $49 million in Federal grants for 2017 Proposed FTEs FY17- 76 (55 grant funded) FY16 - 76 (51 grant funded) Mission: To enhance the safety and security of Cook County and its residents by working to build capacity and create a common operations platform with our partners to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to and recover from all incidents, whether man-made and/or natural, including educating our residents through our community engagement program.
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