Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting
January 14, 2025
Observer: Laura Davis
Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting
December 17, 2024 The Board received the report on the annual update of capital improvement projects and funding needs for the next five (5) years (2025-2029). Capital improvement needs were identified by Forest Preserves’ staff, partner organizations, and members of the public. Requests for new or improved facilities, amenities, and infrastructure were submitted at the Capital Improvement Plan webpage on the Forest Preserves website. The draft report and appendix can be downloaded from the Forest Preserves’ Capital Improvement Plan webpage via the Forest Preserves website HERE.. The final report will be posted in January 2025. The $286 million (five -year plan) includes $55 million in projected spending for 2025 primarily for rehabilitation and renewal of existing trails and facilities including:
Other Board Action: Sustainable Purchasing (Repeal of outdated recycling ordinance) Approved a Recycled Product Procurement Policy that replaces an outdated recycling ordinance. Included are definitions, designated products, purchasing requirements, rules, and exemptions. Effective: January 1, 2025. Amended Contract between Dept of Planning and Development with the Glencoe Golf Course, Village of Glencoe. Agreement relating to the use of 66 acres of Forest Preserves property for public golf course purposes, including construction of a new clubhouse building complex, by GGC and/or the Village Contract Period Extended from June 15, 2037, to June 14, 2049. As amended the previously agreed upon clubhouse complex boundary might be slightly modified upon completion of a survey and will include a stormwater retention system. The new clubhouse will focus on sustainability features. Retirements: MICHELLE GAGE Director of Human Resources for the Forest Preserves of Cook County (14 years of service), CATHY GERAGHTY (25 years) Director of External and Strategic Initiatives in the Office of the General Superintendent, DELIO CALZOLARI Director of Legislative and Governmental Affairs from July 2017 Observer: Valerie Krejcie Cook County Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioners Meeting
November 19, 2024 This was a special day for the CCFP Commissioners Meeting. With the approval of the purchase of real estate located at Glenwood Dryer and Ridge Road, in unincorporated Cook County the CCFP officially passed 70,000 acres of land under CCFP management. This has been a goal for over a decade. Upon passing the proposed purchase the entire room broke out in applause. Additionally, the Commissioners passed 3 proposed ordinance amendments focused on land use. In keeping with the CCFP’s mission 80% of all CCFP land must be kept in its natural state where only 20% of land can be developed which includes any construction such as walking paths, buildings, etc. Currently 83% of the land is in its natural state. This ordinance has been a collaborative work with many advocacy groups with the commissioners and their staff over the past 4 years. Read into the official minutes was the fact that the League of Women Voters of Cook County (LWVCC) submitted a letter on behalf of this ordinance (see below). Both commissioners and several representatives of the advocacy groups sought out the LWVCC observer to thank us for our participation. Other Board Action:
Letter from LWVCC to FPD Commissioners in support of Land Use Policy November 17, 2024 To the President and Board of Directors of the Forest Preserves District of Cook County Re: Land Use, Items 24-0311, 24-0313, and 24-0314 Dear President Preckwinkle and Commissioners: The League of Women Voters of Cook County supports the updated Land Use Policy put forth by the Conservation and Policy Council as detailed in the 3 items on the agenda for the November 19, 2024 meeting of the Real Estate Committee (24-0311, 24-0313, and 24-0314). We urge the Committee members and then the Board to approve these items. The updated policy will strengthen the Cook County Forest Preserves in its mission of protecting and restoring land in accordance with the Next Century Conservation Plan. Sincerely, Cynthia Schilsky, President and Laura Davis, Forest Preserves Interest Group team leader cc: Eileen Figel, Interim General Superintendent Observer -: Deborah Halpern Forest Preserve District of Cook County (FPDCC)
Board of Commissioners Meeting Sept. 17, 2024 Board Action:
Law Enforcement Committee of the Forest Preserve District
Also of note:
Observer: Carolyn Cosentino Forest Preserve District of Cook County Board of Commissioners Meeting July 23, 2024
Thatcher Woods Pavilion, 8030 Chicago Avenue, River Forest, IL. Board Action:
Other Items of Interest:
Observer: Laura Davis Cook County Forest Preserve District Board of Commissioners Meeting
Sand Ridge Nature Center June 11, 2024 NOTE: The Commissioners met in the Center’s classroom. All others – staff and visitors – were directed to the exhibit room across the hall, where a TV Monitor was set up for viewing of the meeting. However, the number of individuals gathered in that room far exceeded the number of available chairs and benches. Therefore, those who did not arrive by 9:00 am had to stand for the duration of the meeting. Many of these staff members (perhaps 2-3 per 17 commissioners) knew each other and talked during the entire meeting. This made it difficult for those who were seated to hear much of what transpired. There was also an audio issue. Though there were enough microphones in the classroom, not everyone spoke directly into their mics, so it was impossible to hear all that was said. Each of the two committee meetings one at 9:00 (Finance) and one at 9:30 (Land Acquisition) ended within ten minutes, the Commissioners having voted quickly -- with no discussion -- on several items. President Preckwinkle called the Board of Commissioners meeting to order promptly at 10:00 am. Cridell Wells, Director of Sand Ridge Center, welcomed the group to Sand Ridge and spoke about the many programs that have taken place there in the last year. Public Speakers:
Eileen Figel, Interim General Superintendent, presented proposed resolutions for the approval of memorandums of agreement extending the term of collective bargaining agreements between the Forest Preserves and the Chicago Journeymen Plumbers Local Union 130, the International Brotherhood of Painters and Allied Trades District Council #14, the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 134, and the Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers, Local #73. She also spoke about upcoming programs, particularly in honor of Juneteenth. The meeting was adjourned and the Commissioners were invited for lunch at the Center’s Campground. Erin Roeper, Observer |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each report. Archives
January 2025