Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board Meeting
September 7, 2023 Board Action: A motion to appoint David Ormsby, Inc. as Public Relations Consultant for the MWRD for a one-year period to advise on crisis communications management was approved 7 to 2 after being deferred from the August 10, 2023 meeting and again from the morning to afternoon session of this meeting. The issue at hand was discussed at the August Procurement Study Session where board members made known that they want more contracts to go out to bid. Commissioners Davis and Spyropoulos were the two voting against the contract saying that it should go out to bid. Several of the remaining seven that voted to approve the contract said that they have met with Mr. Ormsby, that he is very qualified, and that there should be no delay in getting the help needed. Commissioner Davis said the contract language was not clear as to how this will lead to better systemic communications. (Agenda Item #1 23-0801). Two other agenda items were deferred:
All of the other 64 resolutions were passed including four Stormwater Management Intergovernmental agreements or authority to enter into same. The total expected expenditures reported at almost $6 million. One of the Stormwater agreements is being terminated and replaced in an amount not to exceed $3,483,000. The Legal Department shared that the District cannot legally require that local governments adopt the District’s AAP goals. Commissioners Garcia and Sepulveda requested giving priority to municipalities that comply with the District’s participation goals or a higher scoring value at project selection. This approach appears to be legal. Another item of interest is the staff’s request to advertise for Individual Coaching and Training services for a 3-year period. This is for managers identified as needing improvement in their managerial skills or for those managers requesting the help. (Agenda Item #26 23-0825) New Business
Observer: Diane Edmundson All 9 Members were present – Garcia on Video No Public Speakers – No Executive Session Meeting length: 70 minutes
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
August 10, 2023 Eight Harvey residents, including Harvey 2nd Ward Alder Colby Chapman, spoke during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting urging that a proposed stormwater management project be moved. They had all just learned on July 15 about a proposed retention pond that the MWRD is proposing to build in partnership with the City of Harvey. Ald. Chapman explained that 31 parcels of land are to be purchased to build that retention pond and a surrounding green area in order to help relieve flooding for 209 homes in the area. However, at least some of these 31 parcels contain homes in which some of these speakers live, so if the project goes forward, these residents will have to move. The speakers complained about the failure of the City to engage with them early on. They also said there are many blocks in Harvey with either vacant land or abandoned homes, and the speakers hoped the project could be moved to one of these areas. This Observer checked, and the MWRD Board authorized the MWRD staff to negotiate and then execute an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Harvey for this project at this location at the February 2, 2023 Board meeting (Item 23-0133). President Steele promised the speakers that either her office of the Executive Director’s office would arrange a meeting with the speakers, Alder Chapman, the Mayor of Harvey and the MWRD to discuss the project. Item Deferred:
Other Items Discussed and then Approved:
New Business:
Observer: Priscilla Mims Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
July 13, 2023 Newly appointed Commissioner Precious Brady-Davis was welcomed to the Board Public Comments
Board Action
Deferred Items
New Business
There was an Executive Session. Observer: Kathleen Graffam Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
June 1, 2023 Authority to enter into thirteen [13] intergovernmental agreements with local communities for flood control was approved at this board meeting ranging in cost from $207,000 to $1 million dollars. An additional two were approved including: (a) Authority to negotiation agreements to assist various local municipalities with the condition assessment and the rehabilitation of sanitary sewers; and (b) Authority to negotiate with the Forest Preserve District of Cook County for a multi-benefit Flood Control Project located between the village of Glenwood and the Village of Ford Heights. In addition, eight (8) Furnish and Deliver contracts were approved two of which included Affirmation Action goals. Until the December 2022 update of the District's Affirmation Action Plan (AAP), Furnish and Deliver contracts were excluded from AAP goals. With the exception of Item #24-0526 for landscape work which was deleted by the Executive Director without discussion, all agenda items were approved including the three items that were deferred at the May 18, 2023 meeting. Several new items include:
No Exec. Session Absent: Commissioner Sepulveda Observer: Diane Edmundson Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) Board Meeting
January 5, 2023 MWRD Commissioners elected
Other Board Action:
Observer: Priscilla Mims Metropolitan Water Reclamation District Board Meeting
June 16, 2022 All items on the agenda were approved. Items of note are as follows:
Procurement Item Discussed: The Commissioners spent most of the meeting discussing this item. (Agenda Item#25, 22-0539) Commissioner Cam Davis stated that he had questions about responsible bidders. Commissioner Davis is concerned as to whether this company can be a responsible bidder after the accusations from the City of Chicago of fraudulent billing and other issues. Commissioner Davis questioned Inspector General Patrick Blanchard on responsible bidders and whether there was justification for finding the contractor not a responsible bidder. Inspector General Blanchard stated that they did a thorough investigation, and it was determined that the Contractor was not a responsible bidder for City of Chicago. Commissioner Davis wanted to know if the Contractor could be a responsible bidder for MWRD but was told MWRD would have to determine this. Blanchard recognized that this was a difficult task. Commissioner Garcia as did other commissioners, wanted to be reassured that the bidding process was a fair and good process. He asked the Dir. Of Procurement, Legal Counsel and Dir. Of Engineering to answer. They stated that there are criteria that needs to be followed to procure a contract. They also reassured the Board that with all contracts they carefully follow the procedure before awarding contracts. Kennedy Contractors were the lowest bidder, and it was a fair and legitimate bid. The following were suggestions by Commissioners:
Miscellaneous and New Business:
Observer: Nancy Marcus |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each report. Archives
September 2024