Cook County Board Finance Committee’s Mid-Year Budget Meetings
July 31, 2024 Following the death of Cook County Commissioner Dennis Deer (D-2nd Dist), the Democratic Party ward committee persons whose wards include part or all of the 2nd District, met and elected Michael Scott. He will serve as the 2nd District Commissioner until December, when the winner of the November election will take office for the remaining 2 years of the term. Commissioner Scott joined the Finance Committee for this last day of mid-year budget hearings. Following are some of the highlights of the meetings with the (1) State’s Attorney, (2) Chief Judge, (3) Inspector General, (4) Secretary to the Board of Commissioners, (5) Head of the Veterans Assistance Commission, and (6) Public Defender. Meeting with State’s Attorney Kimberly Foxx
Meeting with the office of the Chief Judge Timothy Evans
Meeting with Inspector General Tirrell Paxton
Meeting with Secretary to the Board Lynne Turner
Meeting with Veterans Assistance Commission Head Elizabeth Soto
Meeting with Public Defender Sharone R. Mitchell, Jr.
Observers: Priscilla Mims and Karin Hribar
Cook County Board Finance Committee Mid-Year Budget Hearings
July 30, 2024 9:30 am Cook County Treasurer - Maria Pappas and staff Highlights:
10am Cook County Sheriff - Tom Dart and staff Highlights:
12:17pm Cook County Clerk - Cedric Giles and staff Highlights:
1:09 Cook County Health - Pamela Cassara, CFO, and staff Highlights:
3:31pm - Board of Review - Commissioners Steele, Rogers, and Cardenas Highlights:
Observer: Cynthia Schilsky Cook County Board Finance Committee Mid-Year Budget Hearing
July 29, 2024 Bureau of Finance Overview
Lynetta Haynes Turner, Office of President, Chief of Staff
Commissioners Question for Offices of the President
Office of the Public Administration
Cook County Assessor The conversation focused on how property taxes could be reduced in Cook County and what help could be given home owners. Assessor Kaegi’s office is providing information to various agencies and groups and to individual residents about the eligibility for various exemptions and how to apply. His office sends a list to Commissioners of people in their district that are eligible for exemptions but have not applied. He is working with the State to make the senior freeze auto renew. He cautioned that the expansion of exemptions pushes the tax burden onto other residents. He has three proposals to help people pay their property tax. All require action by the State Legislature.
Commissioner Quezada said that a third party should be hired to examine who is accurate in their valuations—the Assessor or the Board of Review. Mr. Kaegi said that such a contract is currently going through the procurement process. It would hire the International Association of Assessment Officers to evaluate the last 4 years. Land Bank Authority
Clerk of the Circuit Court
Observers - Carolyn Cosentino and Kathi Graffam |
AuthorIndividual authors are credited at the end of each post. Archives
February 2025